Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubs, lianes or trees. Lvs alternate or opposite, simple, exstipulate. Fls small, ⚥, arranged in spikes, heads or racemes, usually conspicuously bracteate; bracts and bracteoles often scarious. Tepals (corresponding to sepals) (2)-3-5, free or nearly so, imbricate, nearly always scarious. Petals O. Stamens (1)-5, opposite the tepals; filaments united basally; staminodes present or 0. Ovary superior, 1-locular; ovules usually solitary; stigma capitate or 2-3-lobed. Fr. (utricle) indehiscent or with circumscissile dehiscence; pericarp usually dry and membranous, less commonly fr. baccate. Seeds globose, ellipsoid or compressed, smooth or verrucose, endospermic.


Lvs alternate
Lvs opposite
Perianth segments, bracts and bracteoles rigid and often spinescent; infl. a slender spike
Perianth segments, bracts and bracteoles nearly always soft and flexible; infl. capitate, at least initially
Stamens shortly connate at base; stigma capitate
Stamens connate, usually forming a slender tube; stigma with 2-3 elongated lobes

c. 65 genera, 800 spp., mainly tropical and subtropical, rarely temperate.

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