Perennial, rhizomatous, pseudo-polystelic, monoecious, gynomonoecious or hermaphroditic herbs. Lvs alternate, radical, stipulate, bearing basal ligular scales. Infl. a simple raceme or spike, or paniculate. Fls numerous, actinomorphic, very small. Sepals 2-(3). Petals 2-(3) or 0, hooded; stamens (1)-2, usually epipetalous. Ovary inferior; carpels 2, 1-locular; stigma-styles 2; ovule 1, apical. Fr. a drupe. Seed with abundant endosperm.
1 genus, c. 40 spp., mainly in S. temperate regions, but also Madagascar, Malesia, Hawaii, and C. America.
Gunneraceae has generally been included in Haloragaceae, but there is good evidence for separating them [ see, Dahlgren, R. M. T., Nord. J. Bot. 3: 119-149 (1983), who put them in different superorders].