Trees or shrubs. Lvs simple, alternate, sometimes dotted or lined with glands; stipules caducous or persistent. Fls usually in axillary or terminal panicles or racemes, sometimes solitary, actinomorphic, ⚥ or unisexual. Sepals 2-15, usually imbricate. Petals usually 2-15, sometimes 0, free, imbricate, often inserted on margin of hypogynous or perigynous disc. Stamens usually numerous, free or in bundles opposite petals; anthers 2-locular; staminodes sometimes present. Ovary nearly always superior, usually 1-locular, but the 1 or more parietal placentae occasionally projecting inwards to meet in middle. Ovules few to many; styles as many as placentae. Fr. usually a berry or drupe, occasionally a capsule. Seed endospermic.
84-93 genera, 800-1300 spp., mostly tropical and subtropical, a few in temperate E. Asia and S. America.