Ranunculus grahamii Petrie
Type: W, P. Graham. FL. 11. FT. 12-1.
Stout erect herb up to 15 cm. tall; stock stout, main roots fleshy. Radical lvs few, sparsely hairy, coriac., on petioles up to 7 cm. long; sheaths broad, hairy on margins. Lamina subreniform to suborbicular, 2-5 cm. diam., glab. or with few marginal silky hairs, 3-partite to near base; segs 1-1·5 cm., broad-cuneate, 3-5-lobed; lobes crenate to rotund. Cauline lvs 1-2, similar to radical but smaller. Scapes up to 15 cm. long, rather slender, glab., 1-3-fld; bracts up to 2 cm. long. Fls ± 2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, broad-ovate to broad-oblong, sparsely clad in white hairs; petals 5-10, c. 1 cm. long, narrow-obovate, bright yellow; nectary gland near base. Fruiting head subglobose ± 1 cm. diam.; receptacle subglobose. Achenes c. 2 mm. long, turgid; style up to 5 mm. long, slightly curved, slightly 2-winged or keeled at base.
DIST.: S. Rocks of Aiguilles Rouges and Coronet Peak, at 2400 m. to 2700 m., P. Graham; Malte Brun, G. Moir.