Ranunculus carsei Petrie
Type locality: Mount Tongariro, near base. Type: W, H. Carse. FL. 7-1. FT. 8-2.
Prostrate to spreading sparsely hairy herb; stock stout to slender, with ∞ slender roots; stems us. several, up to 15 cm. long. Radical lvs on slender petioles 1·5-5-(15) cm. long; sheaths broad, ± pilose; lamina 6-20 × 5-15 mm., broad ovate-cuneate, us. rather deeply 3-lobed, lobes sts again ± deeply lobed. Cauline lvs in clusters, with petioles up to 5 cm. long, lamina similar, smaller. Scapes or peduncles nude, in axils of cauline lvs. Fls small, ± sessile at anthesis; sepals 5, glab., scarious, ovate; petals (2)-3-5, narrow-obcuneate, bright yellow, apex rounded; gland 1, basal. Fruiting heads ± 4 mm. diam.; achenes small, ± swollen to ± compressed; margined, broadly ovate in outline; style straight, hooked, inconspicuous.
DIST.: N. Mountains of Volcanic Plateau, Ruahine Range, subalpine grassland and damp places.