Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Ranunculus enysii Kirk

R. enysii Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 12, 1880, 394.

As the sp. is at present understood, the following description applies: slender glab. herb up to 30 cm. or more tall; stock rather stout, roots ∞ . Lvs all radical, on slender petioles up to 16 cm. long; lamina 2.5-7·5 cm. diam., 3-5-foliate to biternate, Iflts long-petiolulate, (a) toothed to 3-lobed or (b) 3-5-partite, segs narrow-cuneate, deeply toothed, or (c) pinnately divided. Scapes 1-5, simple or divided, nude or with 1 incised cauline If, up to 30 cm. long. Fls ± 2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, broadly ovate, sts acute; petals 5-(10), broadly ovate, bright to pale yellow; gland 1, basal. Fruiting head globose; achenes turgid, glab.; style short, slender or stout, straight or curved.

DIST.: S. Montane to subalpine moist grassland or herbfield from lat. 43°-45°, but apparently local in southern part of range.

FL. 12-2. FT. 1-3.

An unresolved group of forms has been included under this name. Kirk's original description is: "glabrous in all its parts. Leaves all radical, on long slender petioles, 3"-6" long, 3-5-foliate, leaflets on slender pedicels, tripartite or nearly simple, segments cuneate, trilobate, toothed, teeth acute, margins thickened. Scapes 3-5, naked, simple, 1-flowered, 5"-12" long, or rarely with a solitary branch springing from the axil of a reduced leaf. Flower 3/4" in diameter. sepals 5, broadly ovate acute. Petals 5-10, broadly obovate. Achenes small, in dense globose heads, glabrous, ovate, with a short slender curved beak; testa minutely reticulate. Hab. ― South Island; Trelissick, Canterbury, 2-3000 feet ― J. D. Enys . . . styles . . . never recurved . . . carpels not keeled". Type: W, Trelissick Basin, J. D. Enys.

Buchanan (T.N.Z.I. 20, 1888, 255, t. 12) describes his R. tenuis from specimens from "East Taieri Hills, Otago; and Masterton, Wellington", remarking: "This species is probably common, but escapes observation from its resemblance to other species". Similar forms have not again been collected in the localities mentioned but occur within the range of R. enysii. "A tall, slender, glabrous plant, 10-12 inches high. Rootstalk 1/4-inch diameter. Leaves all radical, ovate-oblong in outline, tripinnatisect, segments linear or ovate, primary divisions in two opposite pairs. Scape slender, 6-10 inches long, leafless. Flower 11/2 inch diameter, white or pale yellow. Petals 5-10, obovate or linear-obovate; achenes in globose heads; styles black, subulate."

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