Ranunculus crithmifolius Hook.f.
Type: K, Travers 1863, no. 43 Wairau Gorge, 6400 ft., "only specimens found" (5 pieces and capsule with achenes).
Glab. fleshy glaucous herb up to ± 8 cm. tall; stock very short, stout, ascending; main roots fleshy. Lvs all radical, on petioles 2.5-8 cm. long, with broad sheaths. Lamina subreniform to oblong in outline, (1)-3-5-(8)cm. long, biternately multifid, final segs linear ± 2.5 mm. long, obtuse. Scape stout, 1-fld, 1-2.5 cm. long; bracts 0 or multisect. Fls ± 2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, linear-oblong; petals 5, narrow obcuneate, slightly emarginate, yellow; gland 1, basal. Fruiting heads globose, 8-10 mm. diam.; achenes turgid, keeled, 2-3 mm. long, obliquely oval; style subulate, straight.
DIST.: S. Subalpine screes: Wairau Gorge, W. Travers; Cameron R., R. M. Laing.