Ranunculus berggrenii Petrie
Type: W, Petrie, Nov. 1885, 4000'. FL. 11-12.
Glab. shining green small herb with short stout stock. Lvs radical on slender flattened petioles up to 3 cm. long, sheathing at base. Lamina coriac., orbicular-reniform, ± 1-2 cm. diam., cordate at base, singly to doubly crenate, irregularly shallowly to rather deeply 3-2-lobed. Scape 1-(3), 1-fld, slender, nude, 2-5-(9) cm. long. Fls (1)-2-2.5 cm. diam.; sepals 5, ovate to obovate, ± .7 mm. long, margins scarious; petals 5, obovate-cuneate, ± 1·2 cm. long, golden yellow, gland 1 near base, conspicuous. Ripe achenes not seen, styles rather long, recurved.
DIST.: S. Carrick Range, near Cromwell.