Ranunculus urvilleanus Cheeseman
R. hirtus var. elongatus Cheesem. Man. N.Z. Fl. 1906, 19.
Type locality: near Kaitaia. Type: A, 12415, H. Carse, Dec. 1920. Possibly the R. acris of A. Richard Essai Fl. N.Z. 1832, 289 from Bay of Islands.
Slender, erect or spreading, branching, ± pilose herb up to 6 dm. or more tall. Stock rather stout, erect. Radical lvs ∞, on slender petioles up to ± 35 cm. long; lamina 3-5-(10)cm. long, 3-foliolate to ternately divided; lflts deeply lobed, terminal one on petiolule up to 15 mm. long. Cauline lvs similar, smaller. Fls ± 1 cm. diam. on branched infl.; pedicels up to ± 10 cm. long; sepals 5-(4), at length reflexed, silky-hairy on dorsal surface; petals 5, bright yellow, later pale, obovate-oblong, rounded at apex; gland 1, basal. Fruiting heads globose; achenes glab., ± 3 × 2 mm., compressed, obliquely oval, margins thickened; style rather long, flattened at base, strongly curved.
DIST.: N. Coastal and lowland damp places, forest margins and open places in forest from near North Cape to lat. 35° 30'; also Little Barrier Id.
FL. 10-1. FT. 11-2.