Ranunculus pinguis Hook.f.
Type locality: Auckland Is. Type: K, "in clefts of the rocks at the tops of the hills above Rendezvous Harbour, Hooker, 1840".
Stout ± fleshy herb up to 25 cm. tall, sparsely hairy to glabrate; stock short, stout; main roots fleshy. Lvs all radical, on petioles 1-10 cm. long, with broad sheathing bases. Lamina (1)-2-8 cm. diam., subreniform, deeply crenately lobed, cuneate-truncate to cordate at base. Scape (2)-5-15 cm. long, stout, thickened in upper part, pilose at junction with receptacle; nude or with 1-2 oblong-cuneate bracts, obtuse, entire or with 1-2 teeth. Fls ± 2.5 cm. diam. Sepals 5-6, oblong to linear; petals yellow, 5-10, obovate to oblong, hardly = sepals; nectary glands 1-3 towards base. Fruiting heads subglobose, up to 1·5 cm. diam.; receptacle broad-cylindric. Achenes ∞, glab., turgid, 1-2 mm. long; styles slender, straight, 1-2 mm. long, 2-3-winged at base.
DIST.: A., C. Boggy places, and rock crevices.
FL. 12-1. FT. 2-4.
Hooker, loc. cit., names 2 vars; var. pilosus, "smaller, more pilose, petals linear, sepals ⅓ shorter; nectaries 3 prominent"; var. rhombifolius, 2-8 cm. tall; lvs rhomboid-cuneate, 3-5-fid; margins crenate-dentate to entire. Rocky places in Lord Auckland's Group at 1200 ft, rare.