Trees or large shrubs, usually andromonoecious. Lvs opposite, digitately compound, exstipulate. Fls in large terminal racemes or panicles, zygomorphic. Sepals (4)-5, mostly connate and forming a tube. Petals (4)-5, free, unequal, imbricate, clawed. Stamens 5-9, free, inserted within an entire annular or excentric disc. Ovary superior, (1)-3-celled; ovules 2 per cell; style elongated and stigma simple. Fr. a large coriaceous capsule, smooth or echinate, usually 1-celled, opening by 3 valves. Seed usually 1, large, non-endospermic; cotyledons thick and often adherent adaxially; hilum large.
2 genera, c. 15 spp., temperate N. Hemisphere, Mexico.