Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Herbs or rarely shrubs, generally hairy and often scabrid. Lvs alternate or opposite, simple or compound, exstipulate, often in basal rosettes. Infl. composed of terminal or axillary scorpioid cymes. Fls ⚥, actinomorphic, nearly always 5-merous. Calyx deeply lobed, imbricate. Corolla funnelform, rotate, campanulate; lobes imbricate or rarely contorted. Stamens epipetalous, alternating with corolla lobes; anthers versatile. Ovary superior, 1-celled with parietal placentation or 2-celled with placentae adnate to septum. Styles 1-2. Fr. a loculicidal, rarely septicidal, capsule. Seeds with fleshy endosperm.


Herbs with lvs often pinnate, or if simple then not very large; style 1
Shrub with very large simple lvs; styles 2

c. 20 genera, 300 spp., mostly America, a few in Africa and Asia.

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