Nymphaeaceae Salisb.
Aquatic perennial herbs, often rhizomatous. Lvs petiolate, stipulate or exstipulate; lamina entire, peltate or cordate, often floating or emergent, rarely dissected and submerged. Fls solitary, ⚥, actinomorphic. Sepals 3-6, green, whitish or coloured. Petals many, spiralled. Stamens many, spiralled, sometimes grading into petals. Carpels few to many, free or united in a superior to inferior ovary; ovules 1-many. Fr. a spongy berry dehiscing by swelling of mucilage. Seeds usually endospermic.
Ovary superior; lvs with forking, non-anastomosing lateral veins; sepals usually 6, > petals, yellowish green to bright yellow; petals numerous, yellowish
Ovary semi-inferior; lvs with anastomosing lateral veins; sepals usually 4, < outer petals, greenish; petals numerous, white, yellow, red, or pink
9 genera, 100 spp., virtually cosmopolitan.