Shrubs, trees or rarely herbs. Lvs alternate or opposite, entire or serrate, exstipulate. Fls ⚥ or unisexual, actinomorphic, usually in axillary or terminal cymes, fascicles, racemes, or panicles, rarely solitary, or capitate with involucrate of petaloid bracts. Calyx tube with 4-5 small or minute teeth. Petals usually 4-5, free, rarely 0. Stamens as many as petals; filaments free; anthers 2-locular. Ovary inferior, 1-4-locular; style short with capitate or 2-4-fid stigma; ovules 1 per loculus, pendulous. Fr. a drupe or berry.
c. 12 genera, 100 spp., mainly N. temperate, some genera tropical, subtropical, and S. temperate.
The indigenous genus Griselinia, previously included within the Cornaceae, is better placed in a separate family, Griseliniaceae [Philipson, W. R., New Zealand J. Bot. 5: 134-65 (1967)]. Corokia, treated by Allan (1961) in Cornaceae, is referred to Escalloniaceae.