Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Shrubs, lianes or trees, rarely herbs, usually with milky latex, often poisonous. Lvs opposite or verticillate, rarely alternate, exstipulate, simple, entire. Infl. various, usually cymose, sometimes fls solitary. Fls actinomorphic, ⚥, 5-merous. Calyx deeply lobed, often glandular inside; lobes imbricate. Corolla gamopetalous; lobes convolute and twisted in bud, oblique. Stamens (4)-5, inserted in tube or at mouth; filaments usually free, rarely united; anthers free or united round stigma, often sagittate. Pollen grains not adherent. Disc usually present. Ovary superior; carpels 2, often free and united by single style, 1-locular with 2 parietal placentas or 2-locular with a septum and placentas adnate to it. Ovules 2 or more. Fr. entire or composed of 2 separate carpels, baccate, drupaceous or follicular. Seeds mostly winged or with a coma, endospermic.


Stems climbing by twining; corolla with small, recurved lobes
Stems erect or trailing on or near ground; corolla with large, spreading, broad lobes
Stems trailing or running along ground; corolla funnelform
Stems erect; corolla salverform

130-180 genera, 1500-2000 spp., mainly tropical and subtropical.

A number of genera in addition to the 3 described below are cultivated in N.Z. for ornamental purposes. The most common of these are the lianoid Mandevilla Lindley and Trachelospermum Lemaire, and the very poisonous upright shrubby Acokanthera Don.

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