Xanthoparmelia flindersiana
≡Parmelia flindersiana Elix & P.M.Armstr., Austral. J. Bot. 31: 474 (1983).
Description : Thallus tightly adnate to rocks, yellow-green, blackening with age, 2–8 cm diam. Lobes sublinear-elongate to irregular, imbricate or not, 1–2(–5) mm wide, apices rounded or shallowly notched. Upper surface glossy, emaculate, smooth at margins, wrinkled or often tangentially or irregularly cracked, older lobes eventually becoming areolate; margins ±blackened; isidiate. Isidia laminal, globose at first, becoming inflated at apices and ±erupting but not sorediate. Lower surface pale to brownish, darker at apices, glossy, moderately to sparsely rhizinate. Rhizines short, simple, concolorous with lower surface. Apothecia sessile, 1 mm diam., disc dark-brown; thalline exciple isidiate. Mature ascospores not seen.
Chemistry : Cortex K−; medulla K+ yellow→dark-red, C−, Pd+ intense yellow; containing usnic, norstictic, connorstictic, ±hypostictic (tr.) and ±hypoconstictic (tr.) acids.
N: Auckland. On Metrosideros excelsa bark in suburban street. S: Marlborough (Kaikoura coast). Known also from Australia (Elix & Armstrong 1983: 475; Elix 1994s: 245; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustrations : Elix & Armstrong (1983: 474, fig. 6 – as Parmelia flindersiana); Elix (1994s: 244, fig. 97C).
Xanthoparmelia flindersiana is characterised by: the corticolous/saxicolous habit; broad lobes; a pale lower surface; and isidia with erumpent apices. It is similar to X. cordillerana but that species has salazinic acid in the medulla.