Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Xanthoparmelia peloloba

X. peloloba (Essl.) O.Blanco, A.Crespo, Elix, D.Hawksw. & Lumbsch, Taxon 53 (4): 969 (2004).

Parmelia peloloba Essl., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 42: 129 (1977).

Neofuscelia peloloba (Essl.) Essl., Mycotaxon 7: 52 (1978).

Holotype: New Zealand. South I. Otago, Earnslaw Burn Valley, 1400 m, 1968, D.J. Galloway – CHR 375900.

Description : Flora (1985: 306 – as Neofuscelia peloloba).

Chemistry : Cortex K−, HNO3± dark blue-green; medulla K−, C−, KC+ rose, Pd−, UV+ (blue-white); containing alectoronic acid.

S: Otago (Earnslaw Burn). On alpine rocks, 1400 m.


Illustration : Esslinger (1977b: 202, pl. 32, fig. 115 – as Parmelia peloloba).

Xanthoparmelia peloloba is closely related morphologically to X. bulfiniana, X. martinii and X. pictada, but is chemically distinct (see above under X. bulfiniana). Like X. peloloba, X. glabrans contains alectoronic acid (±α-collatolic acid), but differs in the flat, less elongate lobes and denser rhizines.

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