Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Xanthoparmelia thamnoides

X. thamnoides (Kurok.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 489 (1974).

Parmelia thamnoides Kurok., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 213 (1969).

Description : Flora (1985: 617).

Chemistry : Cortex K−; medulla K−, C−, KC+ pink, Pd−; containing norlobaridone, ±connorlobaridone, ±loxodin, ±scabrosin 4-acetate, 4'-butyrate, ±scabrosin 4-acetate 4'-hexanoate, ±scabrosin 4,4'-dibutyrate and usnic acid.

N: Sine loco, W. Colenso?Wellington. S: Otago (Taieri River, Clutha River). On rocks in lowland, coastal areas. Known also from rocks in moist forests in S and E Australia and Tasmania (Elix 1994s: 298; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).


Illustrations : Galloway (1981a: 547, fig. 14); Hale (1990: 212, fig. 70E); Elix (1994s: 297, fig. 105C).

Xanthoparmelia thamnoides is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the adnate, coriaceous thallus; cylindrical, coralloid-branched isidia with syncorticate apices; a black lower surface; and norlobaridone and ±loxodin in the medulla.

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