Xanthoparmelia waiporiensis
≡Parmelia waiporiensis Hillmann, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 45: 173 (1938).
≡Neofuscelia waiporiensis (Hillmann) Essl., Mycotaxon 7: 53 (1978).
Lectotype: New Zealand. Otago. Waipori, near Dunedin, 1933, J.S. Thomson, T191. – W [fide Esslinger (1977b: 156)]. Isolectotypes.?CHR, OTA 29518.
Descriptions : Flora (1985: 311 – as Neofuscelia waiporiensis). See also Elix (1994k: 85).
Chemistry : Cortex K−, HNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K−, C−, KC+ rose-red, Pd−, UV−; containing glomelliferic (major), glomellic (minor), loxodellic (minor) and ±perlatolic (tr.) acids.
N: Wellington (Maungaweka). S: Canterbury (Banks Peninsula), Otago (Otago Heads, Mt Charles, Green Island Bush, Lamb Hill, Waipori). M: On rock and very rarely on charred wood. Also in Australia and Macquarie I. (Esslinger 1977b: 157; Elix 1994k: 85; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustration : Esslinger (1977b: 210, pl. 40, fig. 131 – as Parmelia waiporiensis).
Xanthoparmelia waiporiensis is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the loosely to moderately adnate thallus; the black lower surface; the globose isidia that burst at the apices; and glomelliferic, glomellic and loxodellic acids in the medulla.