Xanthoparmelia martinii
≡Parmelia martinii Essl., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 42: 123 (1977).
≡Neofuscelia martinii (Essl.) Essl., Mycotaxon 7: 51 (1978).
Holotype: New Zealand. South I. Otago, Kakanui Mts, J.S. ThomsonZA 66 – W.
Description : Flora (1985: 304–305 – as Neofuscelia martinii).
Chemistry : Cortex K−, KNO3+ dark blue-green; medulla K−, C−, KC+ rose, Pd−, UV−; containing physodic acid.
S: Canterbury (Torlesse Ra., Arrowsmith Ra., Cameron Valley, Mt Peel), Otago (Mt Ida), Southland (Homer). On subalpine to high-alpine rocks.
Illustrations : Esslinger (1977b: 200, pl. 30, fig. 110 – as Parmelia martinii); Wilson (1978: 276, pl. 534 – as P. martinii; 1996: 355, pl. 553 – as Neofuscelia martinii).
Xanthoparmelia martinii is one of four taxa of similar morphology (X. bulfiniana, X. martinii, X. peloloba, X. pictada) occurring in the mountains of the South Island, and which are most readily separated chemically (see above under X. bulfiniana). Sympatric X. imitatrix also contains physodic acid but is distinguished by thinner, flatter lobes that are short and rounded or only slightly elongate, and by its generally paler colour.