Xanthoparmelia filarszkyana
≡Parmelia filarszkyana Gyeln., Ann. Mycol. 36: 278 (1938).
Description : Thallus closely adnate on rock, 6–8 cm diam. Lobes subimbricate, irregular, irregularly branched, 1–3 mm wide, without laciniae, marginal lobes with rounded apices. Upper surface pale yellow-green, darkening with age, plane, matt, emaculate, older parts becoming wrinkled, developing cracks and becoming areolate, without isidia or soredia; lobe margins often blackened. Lower surface plane, pale-tan to brown, blackening near apices, rhizinate. Rhizines moderately dense, short, simple, slender, concolorous with lower surface. Apothecia sessile, 2–10 mm diam., disc deeply concave, to plane, dark-brown; thalline exciple smooth, entire, undulate. Ascospores 8–10 × 5–6 μm. Pycnidia common. Conidia bifusiform, 6–7 × 0.5 μm.
Chemistry : Cortex K−; medulla K−, C−, KC+ rose-pink, Pd−; containing norlobaridone, ±loxodin, ±protoconstipatic, ±constipatic and usnic acids.
S: Canterbury (Lake Ohau), Otago (Alexandra). On dry, sunny rocks. Known also from Australia and Tasmania (Elix 1994s: 242; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustrations : Kurokawa & Filson (1975: pl. 3, fig. 1 – as Parmelia praetermissa); Hale (1990: 114, fig. 40E); Elix (1994s: 197, fig. 78).
Xanthoparmelia filarszkyana is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the adnate to tightly adnate thalli; marginal lobes with rounded apices; a pale-tan to brown lower surface; a transversely cracked upper surface; and the KC+ pink medulla (loxodin and norlobaridone).