Xanthoparmelia lineola
≡Parmelia lineola E.C.Berry, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28: 77 (1941).
Description : Thallus adnate to tightly adnate on rock, 5–10(–15) cm diam. Lobes sublinear-elongate, subimbricate or not, ±rounded at apices, older lobes becoming irregularly cracked and areolate, 1–2.5 mm wide. Upper surface pale-yellow to yellow-green, matt, emaculate, transversely cracked, wrinkled to areolate, without isidia or soredia, lobe margins black. Lower surface pale-brown to brown, darker towards apices, sparsely to moderately rhizinate. Rhizines simple, slender, 0.2–0.3 mm long, concolorous with lower surface. Apothecia sessile, 1–5(–8) mm diam., disc dark-brown, concave to undulate; thalline exciple involute at first becoming thin and sublacerate, smooth. Ascospores 12–13 × 6–7 μm. Pycnidia common. Conidia bifusiform 6–7 × 0.5 μm.
Chemistry : Cortex K−; medulla K+ yellow→red, C−, KC−, Pd+ intense yellow; containing salazinic, ±protoconstipatic, ±constipatic and usnic acids.
S: Canterbury (Mackenzie Country), Otago (Alexandra, Lookout). On flat schist rocks at soil level. Known also from Australia, the United States, Mexico and southern Africa (Elix et al. 1986b: 278; Elix 1994s: 258; Brodo et al. 2001; McCarthy 2003c, 2006; Nash & Elix 2004; Nash et al. 2004a).
Illustrations : Hale (1990: 140, fig. 48D); Elix (1994s: 257, fig. 99C); Brodo et al. (2001: 738, pl. 908).
Xanthoparmelia lineola is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the adnate to tightly adnate thallus; lobes with rounded apices; a pale-brown to brown lower surface; transverse cracks on older parts of the upper surface; and salazinic acid in the medulla.