Infl. of simple or compound cymes to solitary; fls mostly 5-merous, regular, perfect; sepals valvate, ± connate, sts with epicalyx of free or connate bracts; petals free, contorted or imbricate; stamens ∞, hypog., monadelphous; tube bearing 1-celled anthers by division of filaments, dehiscing longitudinally; pollen grains large, us. spiny. Ovary with 2-several locules, often 5, with axile placentae. Fr. dry (rarely baccate), loculicidally dehiscent or separating into cocci. Herbs, shrubs, or trees with us. stellate or lepidote indumentum and alt., us. palmately nerved stipulate lvs. Subcosmopolitan family with some 80 genera and 1500 spp.