Fls us. unisexual, small, densely crowded on ± fleshy axes; ♂ of 1-2 stamens without per. or 3-8 stamens opp. equal number of per.-segs; filaments free or connate, anthers 2-4-(∞)-celled, opening by pores or slits; ♀ with per., when present, adnate to ovary; styles 1-2, ovule solitary in each locule, mostly pend., integument 1 or 0; fr. small, nutlike, one-seeded. Root-parasites, dioec. or monoec., annual or perennial, without chlorophyll, us. with tuberous rhizomes. Simple exstipulate lvs confined to flowering shoots. Mostly tropical and subtropical, with c. 15 genera and 40 spp.