Type sp.: D. fascicularis J. R. et G. Forst., of Fuegia.
Fls axillary and terminal, solitary; receptacle adnate to ovary. Sepals (3)-5-(7); petals 5-10; stamens 2-3, inserted on middle of epig. disk, adnate to style-bases, otherwise free; anthers extrorse, didymous; filaments short, thick. Ovary inferior, 2-3-celled; styles 2-3, short; stigmas capitate; ovules ∞, on pend. placentae. Capsule indehiscent, 2-(3)-celled. Seeds with membr. testa, fleshy endosperm, minute embryo. Family of 2 known spp. of Donatia.
It is somewhat doubtful whether the N.Z. sp. is congeneric with Donatia. The family is very closely allied to Stylidiaceae, but differs, inter alia, in being choripetalous, stamens not united into a column. See Rapson, T.R.S.N.Z. 80, 1953, 399-402.