Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Infl. various; fls us. perfect, regular; sepals 4-5, imbricate, sts connate at base; petals 4-5, imbricate, us. free; disk between stamens and ovary; stamens 3-10 or occ. more, attached to disk; anthers 2-celled, introrse, dehiscing lengthwise, connective often glandular. Ovary superior, us. 4-5-lobed, sts of free carpels; placentae axile, ovules often superposed. Fr. various, seed with large embryo. Mostly shrubs or trees with gland-dotted, aromatic, alt. or opp., simple or compound, exstipulate lvs. A widely distributed family with over 100 genera and 1000 spp.


Fls 5-merous; lvs of lanceolate order, simple; petioles not flattened
Fls 4-merous; lvs of oblong to obovate order, compound or simple; petioles flattened or winged
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